Our impact on the world, as a growing human population, is undeniable, and action must be taken sooner, because there may not be a later.
Globally we are using more resources than the planet can renew each year. The scale and impact of climate change is unprecedented, and it’s the biggest challenge we have ever faced. We are already seeing the effects of rising temperatures with food insecurity and extreme weather conditions.
That’s why the environmental charity PECT is launching a ‘Green Networking’ event, bringing together likeminded organisations and professionals throughout the region to discuss sustainability. Don’t miss your chance to hear why climate change matters, what can be done about it, and to look at making a difference for Peterborough and the planet.
The ‘Green Networking’ event will be held on Thursday 12th September 2019, 6.30pm to 8.30pm in The New Building at Peterborough Cathedral. Dr Toby Willison, Executive Director of Operations at the Environment Agency, will be the keynote speaker at this event with his talk: ‘What does the future look like with a changing climate?’
“We know that great environmental work is already taking place across the city by individuals and organisations,” explains PECT’s Interim CEO Stuart Dawks. “But we took the view that more can be achieved when people work together. The idea of this event is to form those networks, start those conversations and really build momentum as quickly as we can for making a difference.”
This event coincides with the exhibition ‘Gaia’, an artwork by Luke Jerram, which will be displayed at Peterborough Cathedral between 19th August and the 15th September 2019. This 7m diameter sphere features detailed NASA imagery of the earth’s surface, and is a fantastic opportunity to reflect on the fragile beauty of the earth that we need to protect and care for. For further information, see www.peterborough-cathedral.org.uk/gaia.aspx.
The ‘Green Networking’ event has been made possible thanks to support from Peterborough Cathedral and sponsorship by Roythornes Solicitors.
“We’re delighted to be involved in this important event,” explains Mark Dodds from Roythornes Solicitors. “It will take place in a building that was built by thousands of people taking a long-term view. The situation we are in is in many ways similar, but the scale is much larger and the stakes even higher. It’s imperative that organisations such as ourselves take responsibility for our actions, and we’re looking forward to meeting like-minded businesses for an interesting and informative discussion.”
The Green Networking a free event. Access to the New Building is through the main entrance at Peterborough Cathedral. Drinks and vegetarian and vegan canapes will be available.
Booking is essential, please reserve your place online at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/green-networking-tickets-67210264711 or search for ‘Green Networking Peterborough’ online.
For more information, call PECT on 01733 568408 or visit www.pect.org.uk.
Photo shows Gaia at Liverpool Cathedral.