Peterborough Plus was officially launched at a high-profile event on 24th March 2015. This initiative is being led by the Peterborough Council for Voluntary Services (PCVS).
"The consortium’s shared vision revolves around improving the quality of life for local people, and strengthening local communities, by bringing together the diversity and expertise of the voluntary and community sector," says Leonie McCarthy, PCVS CEO.
The range of services provided through the consortium includes:
• Provision of vocational and employability skills training programmes and work placement opportunities for young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs).
• Legal and social welfare advice.
• Advocacy services for vulnerable group, e.g. people with mental health problems and learning disabilities.
• Homes support and respite care services for people with learning disabilities and their families.
• Provision of practical support to carers and the people they care for, e.g. people recovering from a stroke, people with dementia etc., including carers’ break services, rehabilitation services.
• Provision of a range of services for older people, e.g. information and advice, advocacy, community development, friendship etc.
• Provision of opportunities for local communities to get involved in a wide range of environmental and conservation activities around the city.
"It is the view of the consortium that these services are best delivered by organisations that have a strong presence in the city and a deep understanding of the needs of the communities of Peterborough," explains Leonie McCarthy.