Our Projects

Active Projects

30 for 30 Fund
New fund launches for communities to celebrate 30 years of PECT.
BLUEPRINT to a Circular Economy
PECT is a key partner in the BLUEPRINT project. BLUEPRINT is an Interreg funded European project aiming to assist the transition to a Circular Economy in England and France.
Bring it Back
Bring it Back is one of six projects chosen to work with local communities to understand how we can move away from single-use food and drink packaging.
Climate Education
Your one-stop green hub for bringing sustainability to your school. Access our teacher resources and action plan on our new platform.
Community Fridge Project - March
PECT is bringing a new community fridge project to March, Cambridgeshire, to tackle food waste and help local residents who are most in need.
Cool Food
Food makes up around a fifth of our carbon footprint. So, by making small changes to your shopping and eating habits, you could make a big impact on the planet.
Cool Food Pro
PECT is a key partner in the new project ‘Cool Food Pro’ bringing with it 25 years’ worth of experience in communicating and promoting sustainable behaviour change.  
Dogsthorpe Growing Communities
PECT’s Growing Communities project aims to bring Dogsthorpe residents together to transform their communal green spaces into more attractive and biodiverse areas.
Eco Charter
PECT's Eco Charter is a specially designed and flexible programme for schools that is linked to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Forest for Peterborough
The city we live in - its environment, local communities and wildlife - would all benefit from increased tree coverage, so we're aiming to plant one tree for every person in Peterborough. How will you help our efforts?
Green Business Impact Programme
Small and medium sized businesses in Cambridge, Huntingdonshire, or South Cambridgeshire can receive free help with the transition to Net Zero.
Green Energy Switch
In 2006 we founded our subsidiary company PECT Consultancy Ltd (PCL), which has now become Green Energy Switch. Any profits made by Green Energy Switch are gifted back to PECT to help fund our vital work.
Green Wheel
The Green Wheel network of cycle routes provides over 45 miles of continuous sustainable routes around the city. It was one of the first large scale projects PECT delivered for Peterborough.
Growing Towers
PECT is working in partnership with Rethink Food and Grow Seeds to provide Growing Towers to local schools.
Healthy Green Orton
Tailored support for individuals with frailty and chronic health conditions – with a focus on nature and sustainability-based activities.
Healthy Schools: Food Smart
Working as part of a wider ‘Healthy Schools’ programme, PECT aims to create environments that support children and their families to improve their well-being, as well as understanding the importance of adopting healthy behaviours.
Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF)
Working with Holiday Activities & Food (HAF) programme, PECT has created a range of resources for families and holiday providers to use over the school breaks.
Investors in the Environment
Investors in the Environment (iiE) is an environmental accreditation scheme. It is designed to help organisations save money, reduce their impact on the environment, and get promoted for their green credentials.
John Clare Countryside
Aiming to double nature across the John Clare Countryside with the help of local councils, parishes and communities.
Junior Forester Award
PECT is delivering The Royal Forestry Society’s Junior Forester Award.
LEAD - Energy Van
PECT are working with East Lindsey District Council to deliver energy support and advice to residents in rural Lincolnshire
Library of Things
Welcome to Library For, a lending library & community space located in Peterborough Central Library. It's time to borrow more than just books!
Low Carbon Lincolnshire
Small and medium sized businesses can access free expert advice through a workshop series by the Business Lincolnshire Growth Hub.
Making a B-Line for Pollinators
Peterborough’s B-Lines aims to reverse the serious decline in pollinator numbers by creating a network of wildflower pathways, linking together existing wildlife habitats in the city.
Nature's School
Downloadable resources to enhance your children's understanding of the world around them.
On Ya Bike!
Cycling is great for your health and the health of the planet. Get On Ya Bike! and explore what Peterborough cycle routes and green spaces have to offer.
PECT Mini Forests
PECT's mini forests are blending wildflower meadows with native woodland species to create rich, overlapping ecosystems
Peterborough Accelerated Net Zero (PANZ)
Working with Peterborough City Council & local communities to develop a comprehensive Net Zero delivery plan for Peterborough.
Pollinating Peterborough
PECT is running the project 'Pollinating Peterborough', which is working with four community groups across the city to create pollinator-friendly spaces.
Schools Sustainability Showcase
Join us at our Schools Sustainability Showcase celebrating all of the fantastic work that schools have done to become more sustainable.
Skills Bootcamp in Sustainability & Environmental Management
Open to jobseekers and people already in work, the Skills Bootcamp in Sustainability and Environmental Management equips individuals with the knowledge and confidence to pursue careers sustainability.
The Kanifing Environmental Transformation Programme
Developing a sustainable focus on new, integrated waste management approaches driving environmental, social and economic transformation in the Kanifing municipality.
UKPN Energy Saving
Working with UK Power Networks to help households in the East of England save energy.
Warm Homes - Energy Advice
Discover how we can help you to reduce your household carbon footprint and save on energy costs.

Archived Projects

Active Health
In spring 2017 PECT has launched a new project, Active Health, to help improve residents’ health and wellbeing in central Peterborough.
Big Energy Saving Winter Campaign 2020/21
We support residents who are struggling to pay their energy bills or cannot keep their home at a sufficient temperature. We aim to reduce the numbers of people living with preventable ill health, and to help reduce energy usage and cut carbon.
Business Energy Efficiency Cambridge and Peterborough
The Business Energy Efficiency Cambridge & Peterborough programme (BEECP) provided support and grants to small businesses to help catalyse investment in energy efficiency initiatives.
Business Lincolnshire Growth Hub
Small and medium sized businesses in Lincolnshire will be able to access free expert advice and grants to grow their business after a £4million cash injection into the county's Business Lincolnshire Growth Hub.
Cambridgeshire Energy Projects
PECT is pleased to be working with Cambridgeshire County Council, Prospus and Bouygues Energies & Services Ltd to support the community engagement of three Energy Projects.
Community Wealth Building - Hertfordshire
PECT is offering Hertfordshire Micro and VSCE businesses environmental and energy support.
Creating Wildlife Corridors in Schools
PECT is working with schools to help increase the diversity of green spaces in built-up areas, in order to encourage wildlife to thrive.
Eastern New Energy
Eastern New Energy provides grants to eligible small and medium-sized businesses to help catalyse capital investments in energy efficiency initiatives.
Energy Matters
Energy Matters offered Peterborough residents a FREE energy gift pack and tips on saving money and household energy.
Engagement Campaign
The charity PECT asked people in Peterborough what they liked about the local area and what change they wanted to see happen. Sustainable transport was named as the number one environmental concern for local residents.
Faith in the Environment
Faith in the Environment saw 200 local people from five different faith groups in Peterborough learn about climate change and how to reduce their impact on the environment.
Glinton and Peakirk Energy Community Interest Company
PECT worked together with the villages Glinton and Peakirk to help establish and constitute a Community Interest Company (CIC) focused on delivering Community Energy schemes.
Greeniversity was a national green skill share initiative that gave people the opportunity to teach and learn everything from bee-keeping to bike maintenance through free sessions
Growing Communities
PECT has joined forces with Community First Peterborough on a new Growing Communities project transforming green spaces in the Gladstone area.
Growing Healthier Communities
Our project offered gardening workshops, teaching people how to grow and maintain herbs, salads and vegetables, and cookery skills workshops about how to plan and prepare inexpensive heart-healthy nutritious meals.
Hampton Travel
A joint initiative between the charities PECT and Sustrans, working alongside Travelchoice at Peterborough City Council has seen residents benefit from advice and support on sustainable travel.
Healthy Homes
The charity PECT helped residents in Peterborough and Fenland with their home energy efficiency with the project Healthy Homes.
Heat Pump Ready
PECT are working on BEIS's Heat Pump Ready programme to raise awareness & understand local views on heat pumps.
Hyperlocal Rainfall
Hyperlocal Rainfall is a brand new phone app that will help people to make informed decisions about travel and outdoor activity, by providing hyper-localised and accurate weather forecasts.
Kingfisher Court
PECT is delighted to be working with Cross Keys Homes to enhance the gardens and communal spaces located at Kingfisher Court, a care home for the elderly.
Love Local
Love Local was a community engagement project that tackled health inequalities in Peterborough, in particular levels of obesity and associated chronic disease. It did this by addressing barriers to healthy eating.
Love Local in Schools
Our Love Local in Schools pilot project successfully delivered lessons on local food and healthy eating to over 600 pupils in Peterborough
Low Carbon Business Support Programme
PECT are offering low carbon business support for businesses to reduce energy use and costs, through a series of workshops,
Nene Coppicing and Crafts
Nene Coppicing and Crafts is a voluntary group, dedicated to promoting heritage woodland skills, conservation and traditional crafts.
New Life on the Old West
New Life on the Old West is working to create and enhance wildlife habitats at farms within the Cambridgeshire Fens.
PECT turns 25!
2018 marks the year when PECT turns 25! Help us mark quarter of a century of environmental work by getting involved with our events and initiatives, which will be announced shortly.
Planet B
'Planet B', a Green Festival 2017 initiative, was organised in partnership with Metal and The Green Backyard, with funding from Arts Council England.
Project Refill
The Refill campaign aims to reduce plastic waste and single-use plastic bottles by encouraging the use of reusable water bottles.
rethink Talks
Discover how we can help you to reduce your personal carbon footprint.
Keep Britain Tidy and Anglian Water funded 40 Rivercare groups across the region and PECT worked in collaboration to create four Rivercare Groups within Peterborough.
Skills for the Future
Funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Skills for the Future was a project that aimed to close the gap in in the heritage sector between employment opportunities and the skills needed to fill these roles.
South East New Energy
South East New Energy provides grants to eligible small and medium-sized businesses to help catalyse capital investments in energy efficiency initiatives.
SUSTAIN Lincolnshire
SUSTAIN Lincolnshire helped businesses across Lincolnshire save money and reduce their impact on the environment. This service was part funded through the European Regional Development Fund.
Victoria Park
PECT is delighted to be working with Ashford Borough Council to develop a £3.7m restoration and improvement project for Victoria Park and Watercress Field, Ashford.
Walk Peterborough
Now there’s a free, easy and convenient solution to getting outdoors to suit everyone – with the new Walk Peterborough website, to explore the green spaces on your doorstep.
Waste Less, Save More
PECT has been chosen to be a Sainsbury’s ‘Discovery Community’ as part of the supermarket’s ‘Waste Less, Save More’ campaign, to carry out a variety of activities across the city to tackle food waste.
Werrington Brook Improvements
The Werrington Brook Improvements is a 5+ year programme looking at ways of holistically improving a sub-catchment of the River Welland. 
WestRaven Big Local
Fantastic evidence of local organisations and communities achieving great results by coming together in partnership can be seen at Hampton Court, in Westwood.
Westwood Orchard
The environmental charity PECT, through its project Forest for Peterborough, has teamed up with WestRaven Big Local garden to improve its planting and facilities for the benefit of local residents, wildlife and the environment.
Wild Literacy & Wild Together
Wild Literacy is all about taking children out into their natural environment to enhance their understanding of the wider world around them, and to develop the vocabulary needed to talk about their experiences.
Winter Warmth Partnership
The Winter Warmth Partnership aimed to raise awareness of the impact of cold homes on health and wellbeing, and the services which can support vulnerable people in winter months.
Woods for Whittlesey
In 2018 PECT expanded its community projects and launched a new tree planting scheme called Woods for Whittlesey. The project aims to plant 5,000 trees in Whittlesey and its surrounding areas.