Our Sustainability

PECT recognises that all businesses, including charities, have an impact on the environment in a variety of different ways. As such we are committed to the continual improvement of our sustainability performance in relation to our services and operations. We aim to follow and promote good sustainable practice, to reduce our environmental impacts and help our clients and partners to do the same.

View our Environmental Policy


In 2010, PECT launched the Investors in the Environment (iiE) scheme to support organisations to work towards external recognition for their sustainability achievements. The scheme provides members with support to work towards Bronze, Silver and Green accreditation levels.

To demonstrate that the charity holds itself to the same standards as the organisations it is supporting through iiE, it has adopted an environmental management system to reduce our impact with respect to energy, water, waste, transport and biodiversity.

PECT is working through the iiE Accreditation levels and our progress is audited by an independent third party. PECT currently has the Silver Level Accreditation and is working towards securing Green in 2025.

Net Zero

PECT has made a commitment to achieve Net Zero emissions no later than 2050, as a signatory to the Race to Zero campaign which includes KPIs to reduce energy consumption, source 100% renewable energy, and reduce reliance on fossils fuels for transport.

In 2025 PECT will publish its first Roadmap to Net Zero outlining the key measures to be implemented to ensure the charity achieves its Net Zero ambitions.

Green Team

As part of PECT’s work to secure and maintain accreditation to Investors in the Environment the charity has formed an in-house Green Team.

Co-ordinated by our lead Green Champion, team members take individual responsibility for specific areas relating to our key environmental impacts, including energy, waste, travel, water and biodiversity. The Green Team are responsible for collecting and analysing data and monitoring our progress towards our key environmental targets.

All staff are encouraged to support the Green Team, either by joining the team itself or by assisting specific activities.



PECT recognises that all of our employees can contribute towards our ambition to be more sustainable and reduce our impact on the environment. To ensure our staff are fully engaged with our sustainability efforts, all new starters attend an introductory session outlining our environmental policy and other sustainability related policies and complete compulsory environmental awareness training.

All new starters have the opportunity to take the Investors in the Environment Green Champions course to further their knowledge and understanding of environmental management and to support the charity’s efforts to work towards iiE accreditation.

It is PECT’s aim that all our staff are carbon literate by August 2025 – as of February 2025 78% of our employees had completed Carbon Literacy training.

Other training is provided specific to job roles and responsibilities

More details on PECT’s work to reduce our environmental impact can be requested by emailing [email protected] – please mark your email for the attention of our Head of Sustainability.